Wisharts of Dunbar, Pennsylvania
The following transcriptions concern a Wishart family from Fife who settled in Pennsylvania in the 1870’s and were recorded in the Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania (VOLUME 2) which was written by James Hadden in 1912. Andrew Wishart was born on 31 October 1843 in Burntisland and was the oldest son of a Local miner called Andrew and Margaret Sutherland. In 1868 he married Katherine Templeton and they had fourteen children together. Hadden writes:
The parents of John Wishart, of Dunbar, Pennsylvania, were of Scotch birth and ancestry. His father, Andrew Wishart, grew to manhood, married, and remained in his native land until 1870, employed at his trade of stonemason. In that year he came to the United States, locating at Allegheny, Pennsylvania, remaining one year, then came to Dunbar where he lived until his death. While in Dunbar he was engaged in the bakery business. He was an active Republican, serving fifteen years as school director and in other town offices. He was a Presbyterian, his wife belonging to the same denomination. He was energetic, thrifty and highly regarded in his community. He married, in Scotland, Katherine Templeton, who died in Dunbar, Pennsylvania.Children: 1. Katherine, died in infancy, in Scotland. 2. Andrew, born in Scotland; now a baker, living in Dunbar. 3. William, born in Scotland; now in the employ of the Union Supply Company as manager of their store at Monarch, Pennsylvania. 4. Anna, married Bert Kelly, and resides in Pittsburgh. 5. John, of whom further. 6. Alexander, living in Pittsburgh. 7. Margaret, married Charles Marietta, resides in Dunbar. 8. Jean, resides at Dunbar, a stenographer. 9. Ella, student at McKeesport Business College (Duff’s). 10. George, married Mary Warmick; lives in Connellsville township, a poultry farmer.
(II) John, fifth child of Andrew Wishart and his first American birth, was born in Dunbar, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, May 19, 1874. He received a good public school education, and began business life as a clerk for the Penn Traffic Company in their general store at Dunbar, remaining five years. For the next four years he was associated with the firm of Blythe & Company. In August, 1901, he became a junior member of the firm of Wilson & Wishart, established in a general mercantile business in Dunbar.
On July 5, 1910, their store burned, with contents valued at fifteen thousand dollars. They resumed business in temporary quarters and will rebuild on the old site, replacing the former brick structure, one of the best in town, with one even better. With others, the partners, Wilson & Wishart, organized the First National Bank of Dunbar. Both are members of the board of directors. Mr Wishart inherits the thrifty instincts of his Scotch progenitors, and is one of Dunbar’s most progressive and useful citizens. He is a Republican in politics, and has served as a school director and borough councilman. He is a member of the Presbyterian church and of the Modern Woodmen of America. He married Florence Maude Baer, who died October 19, 1906, daughter of Louis Baer of German descent.
Children of John and Florence Maude (Baer) Wishart: Marguerite Esther; Earl Enwing; Harriet Catherine; Carlyle John. John Wishart married (second) Maude, daughter of Jefferson Warnick. Children: Nellie & Helen.
An obituary published in 1908 gives more background information on Andrew:
Andrew Wishart Dies Of Pneumonia This Morning at His Late Home in Dunbar
Andrew Wishart, one of Dunbar’s old and respected residents, died this morning shortly after 12 o’clock. Deceased had been ill since last August, having contracted pneumonia at that time, from which he never fully recovered.Mr Wishart was born in Burntisland, Fyfeshire (sic), Scotland, October 31, 1843. He was a son of Andrew and Margaret Wishart and had three brothers, William, Alexander and John, the latter deceased. He learned the stone mason trade in Scotland and, coming to this country in 1871, he found work plentiful. He went back and brought over his wife and two sons, Andrew & William. His wife died last September from pneumonia after an illness of about a week. Mr Wishart and his family lived in Alleghany City for a short time and then removed to Dunbar, where they have since resided. Shortly after coming to Dunbar he established a bakery, which he had conducted for the past 30 years. He was one of the oldest members of the Dunbar Presbyterian church. He was the father of fourteen children, nine of whom survive, as follows: William of Laisenring No.3, Mrs., B. S. Kelly and C. Alexander of Pittsburg, Andrew, John, Mrs. C. A. Marietta, Jean, Ella and George of this place.
The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the residence on Railroad Street.
Images courtesy of Paul Hill.