Wishart Lunch – 5 November 2002

Sixteen members of the Wishart Society gathered at Martin Wishart’s newly refurbished restaurant in Leith, Edinburgh on Tuesday 5th November 2002. Most hailed from Edinburgh or Fife; but George and Nan Wishart made the trek down from Angus, Ian and Margaret Blackie crossed from Dunbar, and journalist Scott Wishart travelled up from London.
Our Wishart Lunch proved to be a great opportunity to enjoy a first-rate meal in the company of fellow Wisharts and exchange family news and genealogical stories. Martin’s menu is reproduced below, and his dishes can be seen in the photos at the bottom. The Wishart tartan was much in evidence, and David Wishart brought along his new book Whisky Classified, a copy of which was presented to Martin.
Jack Wishart made a short speech about his lifelong quest into the genealogy of the family, concluding with a toast to the memory of Scott Wishart who gave him the original inspiration. The occasion was greatly enjoyed by all who came, and we resolved to meet again soon. Please watch this space for the next Wishart event.
If you were not able to attend our lunch due to your distance from Edinburgh, why not consider organising your own Wishart gathering – we shall be happy to announce it at the Wishart website.