This section contains historical photos of Wisharts not featured elsewhere in the historical pages.
Our first photo (right) features Robert Wishart of England, taken at Cramer's California Gallery, 402 Kearny Street, cor. Vine, San Francisco. It was probably taken around 1890. It is
postcard size and shows a young man in a double-breasted suit, with braid trim just above the cuffs, possibly a uniform. It was rescued from disposal by Marcia Staunton of Portland, Oregon.
If you think you might be descended from Robert Wishart, born in England (or possibly Scotland) around 1870, who emigrated to California, please get in touch with us. We would
also be interested to hear from anybody who might be able to identify the uniform, or the date of the photo. To download Robert's full photo as a jpeg file, click here. Our next Victorian photo (left)
must have been taken about 1880, in Kircaldy, Scotland. It features Matthew Wishart, his wife Jessie, their daughter Jean and son David, the
first of their five children. It was contributed from the family album of Sandie Wishart, Edinburgh.
Matthew Wishart (682) was born in 1849, the fourth son of David
Williamson Wishart (661) and Janet Scott who were farmers at Muckley, Abernethy. Matthew married Jessie Garrick (683) and they had the
following family - Jean (686), David (687), Garrick (688), Robert (689), and James (690). He was a joiner and builder in Kirkcaldy, Fife. The numbers in brackets are tree references in David Wishart's book
about the Wishart Family, which you can read about here and download as a Word document. The author David Wishart (699) was a nephew of Matthew Wishart. |