Another remnant of the past is the lovely little chapel of Saint Peter whose Roman style
architecture and whose construction date back to the twelfth century as well. Around this building and around the ruins of the castle is Domaine de la Guicharde.
Vines have always grown in this magnificent part of the Côtes du Rhône region but it was only in 1960 that vines were planted on the estate.
By pure chance in 1988, Isabelle and Arnaud Guichard settled in the tiny hamlet of Derboux on what has become the Guichard estate. The Guichardes have since been
acting on their passion for the art of wine making by producing some of the best Côtes du Rhône available today.
Domaine de la Guicharde is only a short flight from the UK (from £20 single by EasyJet, London Stansted to Lyon). Isabelle and Arnaud Guichard would be delighted to welcome
Wishart/Guichard cousins to their estate, or send you their wines to order. How about a Wishart/Guichard get-together at the Guicharde Estate?
For further details, click